A more thoughtful way
to your destination



Transpo is a mobile application operated by South Bend Public Transportation Corporation. It helps users know when the next bus arrives and how much time they will need to get to the bus stop.

The Problem

Due to expansion, numerous bus routes have been recently added. Many of those routes stop at the same bus stop. Riders want to know when the next bus will arrive at each bus stop. They also want to know how much time they have to get to the bus stop.


The Process

Empathy Map


User Stories

As a bus rider, I want to know what bus is coming so that I can get on the right one.High
As a bus rider, I want to know when my bus is arriving so that I can know how much time I need to wait.High
As a bus rider, I want to know how long I have to walk to the bus stop so that I can adjust when I have to start walking there.Medium

User Flow


Site Map




Color Palette


The Solution